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Why A Large Travel  Supply Supports Savings In Business Travel

How an extensive air and rail supply supports business travel savings

4 min
Posted: 12 May 2020

For many businesses, preparing to travel post COVID-19 involves a shift in priorities. Traveller support, safety, and peace of mind are top of the list, along with a sharp focus on spend control and savings.

With Egencia, your business can leverage an extensive transport supply to support both savings, and duty of care. From visual data and reporting technology, to Egencia Traveller Tracker and alerts, we put the power to control spend and risk management all in one place – saving your business both time and money.

Make sure your business is getting the best value from its TMC. Download the business travel savings checklist.

A supply that supports your travel policies

At Egencia, we offer supply content from an average of 290 airlines. That’s 290 airlines, and thousands of flights available at the touch of a button for your travel managers, arrangers, and business travellers.

On top of this, our travel management solution encourages compliance with travel policy already woven in, saving your bookers’ time and stress, and saving your organisation money on travel costs. In and out of policy bookings are clearly flagged, so if, for example, your company’s travel policy includes mandating that your travellers select the lowest available fare, that’s what they’ll see first.

“There were a lot of policies practiced within the company, so no one could hope to know them by heart, but with Egencia, you don’t need to memorise anything. The policy is right there in the platform.”

-  Tricia Lim, executive VP of the corporate planning division, NTT Singapore. 

Saving time and money at NTTS

We worked with NTT Singapore to ensure that their travel programme was agile and delivered savings of both time and money. Our solution automatically recommends business travel options based on the lowest cost and in line with NTTS policy. We delivered airfare cost savings of between 27-58 percent to NTT Singapore over the course of a year. The time savings were significant too. Going from over an hour per booking with back and forth on trip approvals, to approximately 15 minutes per booking, including approval.

Saving time and money in the air

Egencia Savings Finder for Air uses machine learning to deliver average savings of 14 percent per flight.* Say, for example, you’ve booked a flight already, the Savings Finder technology will track fluctuating flight prices and rebook the flight for you at a lower rate should it become available. There’s no action for you, and the seat and class will remain the same.

Saving time and money on land

If your business travellers aren’t flying, they still need to get from a to b to be successful in their roles. Through our partnerships with content aggregators like Amadeus, SilverRail, and BeneRail, we provide content across 80 rail carriers worldwide. We help your travellers on four wheels too, with over 35,000 car rental locations across the globe. And renting a car is simple for your travellers too, our data shows a very respectable 89 percent online adoption for car rentals.

The benefits of a consolidated supply

By offering an extensive supply — and putting it all in one place — your business can save your corporate travel managers and travellers a huge amount of time. Time that can be spent being productive in their roles, winning business, and helping your business thrive.

An easy-to-use, consumer-like experience encourages online adoption. And with your supply, booking, and reporting, all in a single solution, your business can get an overall view of traveler behavior. That view includes critical reporting on where travellers have been, and where they’re scheduled to be, so your business can provide duty of care and plan for risk management.

A complete view of your travel spend

If saving time and money on travel bookings sounds brilliant in theory, but you’re still working out just how much your business spends on travel arrangements, our single solution can help. Egencia Analytics Studio lets you report on a variety of different aspects in your travel programme, so you can pinpoint areas that could be more cost-effective use of company money.

Using Analytics Studio, you can easily track key metrics with dashboards for air travel, hotel stays, train tickets, and car rentals, so you know exactly how your company is performing in compliance, adoption, spend, and savings. The benchmarking dashboards give you easy-to-read visualisations that show which routes you travel most, cities you frequent, and how much others are paying for the same travel, helping you find efficiencies in your policy and leverage data in your supplier negotiations.

“Egencia makes me successful because it puts the data at my fingertips to do the job that I need to do. Whether that’s provide duty of care, whether it’s to go and leverage my spend, whether it’s the tool that helps my employee get from point a to point b and get in front of a customer that grows our business.”

- Joy Anzinger, senior manager of global travel, Splunk.

Download our essential checklist for business travel savings to assess if you’re missing crucial savings opportunities, and find out why a broad transport supply is just one way to save on business travel.

*Figures for 2019 financial year

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